The Society is a national, non-governmental scientific organisation. The society dated from 1934: "Freie Vereinigung der Anatomen an Schweizer Hochschulen (Union libre des Anatomistes des Universités Suisse)". It was founded in Bern by Prof. H. Bluntschli (who became the first president) together with 25 scientists working in the Swiss Anatomical Institutes. The name of the Society was amended in 1983: "Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Anatomie, Histologie und Embryologie SGAHE (Société Suisse d'Anatomie, d'Histologie et d'Embryologie SSAHE)".
Today's SSAHE members work in various fields of morphological science as topographical, functional, and clinical anatomy, integrative neuroscience, cell and molecular biology, developmental biology. The SSAHE is committed to the future of Anatomy as a multidisciplinary growing field in terms of research and education.
European Federation for Experimental Morphology (EFEM)
International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA)