Regular Membership of the Society is open to anyone working in Switzerland with a professional interest in research and education in the anatomical sciences in which examination of morphology at macroscopic, microscopic or ultrastructural level is an important research objective. This includes traditional medical and veterinary anatomy, research in cell and tissue biology, embryology, neuroscience, and related topics. For details, see the Statutes of the Society or the Legal Basis for Membership.
Privileges of Membership include mailings concerning Society activities; the right to stand and vote in elections for Board, the right to attend scientific meetings of the Society and participation in other activities of the Society, to submit Abstracts for presentation at meetings. In addition, every SGAHE/SSAHE member benefits from the reduced registration fee for associated societies at the LS2 meeting. Young members have the opportunity to achieve Travel Grants to attend scientific meetings within Europe (up to CHF 600.-) and overseas (up to CHF 1'200.-). In addition, the EFEM awards Travel Grants for members of constituent societies.
The annual subscription for regular Members is CHF 50, for professor members CHF 100, per year.
To join the Swiss Society for Anatomy, Histology and Embryology download the short Application Form and fill it out. Applications and all queries about membership should be directed to the President of the Society. Nomination will be held on the next general meeting of the Society.
You can also apply for SGAHE/SSAHE membership via the LS2.
The following additional categories of Membership may be conferred by the Society: